Creating a Mindful Classroom Space

Creating a mindful classroom space is a wonderful way to foster a positive learning environment that encourages emotional well-being, focus, and overall student success. In the quest for an enriching educational atmosphere, establishing a mindful classroom emerges as an exceptional avenue, nurturing academic growth and emotional equilibrium among students. This environment is a nurturing ground where emotional well-being flourishes, concentration deepens, and academic accomplishments soar.

7 Tips for Emotional Regulation

A greater understanding of our emotions allows us to recognize where we can influence a situation and when let go of what is outside our control. With greater emotional regulations, we may be present in the moment, manage emotions as they are perceived, and gain greater control over our own feelings and actions.

Creating a Classroom Calming Corner

Creating a classroom calming corner helps students self-regulate. Classroom behaviors can be a result of a variety of challenges. Sometimes we know exactly why our students become dysregulated, other times, …